Step Into Joy Week 4! Mapping Your Magic with Psychogeography, wandering, and LOITERING!
“The most important places on a map are the places we haven't been yet.”
― Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar, The Map of Salt and Stars
Welcome to Week 4 of claiming your walking practice!
This week is all about loitering, wandering, flanuering, mapping, traveling, and all the magic you can find in the most "mundane" moments.
We'll also be using some crazy maps to navigate our way - and making our own!
Much more resources, inspirations, and ideas if you click this link here to download Week #4 of Step Into Joy.
Are you ready to Step into Joy?
Psssttt.... What is psychogeography?
It's a big word with a hugely fun meaning. Enjoy each step on your journey this week...
...and don't forget to MAP all about it!
Download the prompt for Week #4 here. You can also view Week 1, 2 and 3 on this page.
Share your discoveries with #Lovemydetour.You can also share your responses in comments on this post, or in our Step Into Joy Facebook group.
Subscribe at to receive the zoom link for our workshop Sunday 4pm EST. Come, share what you’ve discovered, and explore all the possibilities on your walking path from our little zoom boxes!
"We can’t agree on what psychogeography means but we all like plants growing out of the side of buildings, looking at things from new angles, radical history, drinking tea and getting lost; having fun and feeling like a tourist in your home town." - Loiterers Movement Society