is a campaign inspiring people to flourish because of, rather than in spite of challenges.
aims to encourage growth and healing by sharing our stories; to transform communities by inspiring people to open their minds and reframe their view of “detours” into a new direction for life. (Interested in sharing your own Detour?)
What is the Detourist Program?
Detourist Resiliency curriculum is broken down into five modules
The Basics of Mental Health
Coping Skills
Storytelling and Support Systems
Living With a Visible and Invisible Illness
Creativity Builds Resilience, Leadership and Positive Change
Each module has been adapted for different groups
College students
“Detourists” of all ages
Corporate Companies
About The Program
The open Detourist curriculum is ideal for developing the skills and mindsets which build resiliency, resourcefulness, and agents of change on campus.
The peer-led program will last for 10-weeks, starting with an introduction to leadership and strategies for positive change, devising creative projects to address community issues of their choosing, and culminating in a Detour Day, where the student Detourists-In-Training have the opportunity to share the projects they’ve developed in a way to positively affect those around them.
Detourist Programming can also be paired with Amy’s extensive experience regarding:
Furthermore, Amy’s newly released book, “My Beautiful Detour: An Unthinkable Journey from Gutless to Grateful”, can be licensed to schools at a discounted rate, along with a complete curriculum.
Check out these free worksheets that come with Amy’s Detourist programming
Worksheet 1 - Worksheet 2 - Worksheet 3 - Worksheet 4 - Worksheet 5
Bring Detourist Programming to You!
Join the WHY NOT WEDNESDAY campaign!
Are you a Detourist? Yep – you totally are! How can you share your detour?
First, read the Guest Post Guidelines.
Write to me about it by filling out the Contact form above!
Paint your detour, take a picture of it, and tag it with #LoveMyDetour, to be part of my Instagram Detour Challenge, or tweet me!
Use #LoveMyDetour to scrapbook your travels and know you’re not alone!
Check out other Detourist’s Guest Posts here!